May 20, 2024



Here is a few things about Johnny that some people may like to know about. Like, How it all started, Why, and those that Inspire.

Why a Video Podcast.

Why am I Doing this? I’m tired of being lied to and Mislead From the mainstream media, as well as elected officials Just to Push a narrative or an Agenda. So, I decided to do my own Research, or homework, and find the truth. The more I dug, the more I wanted to share the Truth with the public.

With this also comes the newfound desire to seek real news. A dear friend of mine once said, make sure you try and debunk your argument, if you can debunk your argument then you have no argument. If you cannot Debunk your argument, then your Solid. Everything shared or discussed here or on the Video podcast is based on ALL facts presented. All supporting articles and documents are located under show notes or on the cloud which you can find the link to under the Important Documents tab. If you follow this Stream Podcast, you know my passion is protecting our Kids as well as exposing the Truth, Sharing News and Current events from a constitutional Conservative point of view.

Things that really angers me

  1. Being Lied to. So, with that comes the passion and desire, to tell the truth. My credibility is everything.
  2. I have this thing about being told what to do. What I mean is, Leftists are doing all they can to shut down opposing views. I for one will not change who I am or what I say because some Tyrant, Twit, or fool with a GOD complex tells me to or else. Yea that doesn’t work for me. As I always say, We are descendants of those that could NEVER be RULED!


   All my life l wanted to be on Radio. When I was a child, I pretended to be Dr. Johnny Fever from WKRP in Cincinnati. Then came the godfather of conservative talk radio, Rush Limbaugh.  The more I listened, the more I wanted to get into Talk Radio. Unfortunately, I really never went to school for broadcasting. That was my big mistake. I went in a different direction with my career.  

A few years ago, I decided to go back and pick up my dream. So, I started a You-Tube channel that I was not quite happy with, mostly because of the crappy internet speed I had, so I went with podcasting. Now that the technology is there so I can stream as well as upload Videos using software that actually shrink the file, I decided to get back to basics and go Video and Podcast. I’m actually living my dream. One day, God willing, I can make this my Full-Time Job.

Those that Inspire me: